Yvette Verleisdonk gave a presentation on the different organizational forms of a social enterprise on December 7, 2021 at the webinar "Digital Social Enterprises" organized by the Social Innovation Factory (Sociale InnovatieFabriek).
Read MoreIn June 2021, the European Commission approved the Belgian Plan for Recovery and Resilience. Belgium will receive €5.9 billion from Europe to address the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The plan explicitly refers to the use of Social Impacts Bonds (SIBs), a form of public-private partnership, to finance social projects. Yvette Verleisdonk, an expert in the field of SIBs, discusses the ways in which SIBs can be used to address social challenges in an article in the newsletter of MVO Vlaanderen, an organisation promoting SCR in Belgium.
Read MoreCuria warmly welcomes Eva Taverna to its team. Eva will work part-time for the public law team, combined with a job at KU Leuven.
Read MoreOn 16 and 30 November 2021, Yvette Verleisdonk will give two workshops for the management of Broeders van Liefde on innovative financing structures.
Read MoreIn the August issue of TRV-RPS (2021/5), Sarah Verschaeve and Lisa Bueken discuss the impact of the Law of 20 December 2020 on the organization of the general assembly of (international) associations. The full table of contents of issue 2021/5 can be found here: https://www.fiscoloog.be/trv/default.aspx?l=NL&v=918946262. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you would like to receive a copy of the article.
Read MoreOn May 7, 2021, the Institutional Affairs Committee invited Evelyne Maes, a constitutional law expert, to speak on the appointment procedure and conditions for judges of the Constitutional Court.
Read MoreCuria warmly welcomes Eveline De Deckere to its team. Eveline will provide all-round administrative support to the lawyers. As a certified translator, Eveline will also handle translation assignments.
Read MoreIn this newsletter, we discuss the amendments introduced by the Act of 20 December 2020 to the Code of Companies and Associations ('CCA') regarding the possibility of holding general meetings of companies and (international) associations. Thereafter, we explain the scope of the Constitutional Court's judgment of 15 October 2020, which annulled a provision of the CCA regarding the internal rules. Finally, we reiterate the situation of existing CVBAs/SCRLs and the impact of the Remedial Act of 28 April 2020 thereon.
Read MoreThe Royal Decree of 23 September 2020 completes and amends the obligations concerning the UBO register. The new decree aligns the UBO rules with anti-money laundering guidelines, the GDPR and the new Belgian Companies and Associations Code.
The most important changes we gladly list for you.
Read MoreCuria is a proud partner of ASSOCIATIONWORLD and Visit.Brussels for the first Brussels European Association Forum (BEAF) that will take place on 20 November 2020. The event will bring together various Brussels and Benelux-based associations to exchange recent experiences and best practices. The program will include several interactive knowledge-sharing sessions and workshops, panel discussions and keynotes. BEAF is hosted by ASSOCIATIONWORLD and Visit.Brussels, in collaboration with Barcelona Convention Bureau, Boardroom, idloom and Curia.
Read MoreSince August, Kelly Donie has joined our administrative team. She will mainly support the colleagues of the construction law team.
Read MoreIn our newsletter of 8 April 2020 we informed companies and associations about the legally permitted alternatives to a physical meeting of both the general meeting and the management body. In this newsletter we supplement the information provided earlier with the temporary COVID-19 scheme based on Royal Decree no. 4 of 9 April 2020.
Read MoreYvette Verleisdonk, in collaboration with BNP Paribas Fortis, advised on the second social impact bond (SIB) in Flanders which was launched on the 4th of March 2020. The SIB is a cooperation between Oranjehuis vzw, the Flemish Government's Agency ‘Opgroeien’ (“Growing Up”) and the investors Besix Foundation, BNP Paribas European Social Impact Bonds Fund, BNP Paribas Fortis and Labido Invest (part of the BOSS paints group). The structuring is being taken care of by BNP Paribas Fortis and the BNP Paribas Group. Curia, in particular Yvette Verleisdonk, also advises on the first SIB in Flanders on NEET youth in Antwerp.
Read MoreIn December 2019, Zakia Khattabi did not obtain the two-thirds majority required for the nomination as constitutional judge. Where does that leave the appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court?
Read MoreOn 12 December Evelyne Maes was invited as a guest on the radio programme 'De Wereld van Sofie' at Radio 1 to talk about the lecture of Dr. Jeff Hoeyberghs at the University of Ghent for the student association KVHV.
Read MoreIn our previous newsletters (which you can find here), we already guided you through the most important changes of the new Code of Companies and Associations (hereafter “CCA”). When you toasted to the new year on 1 January 2020, you probably didn't realize it, but 1 January 2020 was an important date for the CCA. Even though the bylaws of a company, association or foundation only have to be adapted to the CCA on 1 January 2024, the CCA has consequences for all companies, associations and foundations as of 1 January 2020. Curia would like to inform you about this.
Read MoreRecently a new Code of Companies and Associations was introduced which profoundly modifies the legislation applicable to companies. Also the legislation applicable to associations was revised. What do you need to know? Five questions and answers with Sarah Verschaeve from Curia.
Read MoreThe date has been postponed a number of times, but 30 September is D-Day. No later than this date, directors and managers of companies, not-for-profit associations and foundations must register the beneficial owners of their entities in the centralised register of beneficial owners (also known as the UBO register) of the Belgian Federal Public Service Finance.
Read MoreCuria is pleased to announce that Lisa Bueken and Sander Meert will join the firm.
Read MoreFrom now until 1 May 2019 (i.e. the date when the new law enters into force), Curia will inform you of the most important changes resulting from the new legislation in a number of newsletters.
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