Yvette Verleisdonk, in collaboration with BNP Paribas Fortis, advised on the second social impact bond (SIB) in Flanders which was launched on the 4th of March 2020. The SIB is a cooperation between Oranjehuis vzw, the Flemish Government's Agency ‘Opgroeien’ (“Growing Up”) and the investors Besix Foundation, BNP Paribas European Social Impact Bonds Fund, BNP Paribas Fortis and Labido Invest (part of the BOSS paints group). The structuring is being taken care of by BNP Paribas Fortis and the BNP Paribas Group. Curia, in particular Yvette Verleisdonk, also advises on the first SIB in Flanders on NEET youth in Antwerp.
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