Stéphanie Rondelez

I spend the vast majority of my time defending the interests of both employers and employees in proceedings before the labour courts. I have also developed extensive expertise in conducting negotiations and drafting agreements, both at the start and at the end of the collaboration.

+32 16 31 41 16


When I started at the bar in 2002, I immediately focused on social law, with an emphasis on labour law. In line with this, social criminal law was soon added. With my expertise in that field, I assist employers in the framework of social inspections and in the legal settlement of serious industrial accidents. Where necessary, I later also defend them before the correctional court if criminal proceedings cannot be averted.

I consider my assignments as in-house counsel, among others at a BEL-20 company and the legal department of a social secretariat, as a nice and enriching variety in my activities.

In recent years, through a personal commitment, I have also specialised in the legal framework of the recognition and rights of persons with disabilities.

I am certified as a collaborative lawyer which means that negotiating in a solution-oriented and sustainable way characterises me.